Complicating my life further...

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Street art..

I should be asleep, because in around 6 hours I need to leave to go volunteer at a soup kitchen.
I have been volunteering as a way to give back and add meaning into my life.
Mostly it leaves me tired.

On an amusing note :)

It has come to my attention, that I think too much about other people's lives in an attempt to avoid my own. Is it my fault that other people's problems are more interesting than my own?

My divorced friend has move in with me for a bit, to kind of get back on her feet.
Friday night she accused me of not treating her like she is divorced, which in my opinion was a wise thing. She says that even though she is single, she was divorced and hence I should treat her differently. WTF? I have spent the whole weekend trying to figure out what the hell she means. Still haven't arrived at it.


  • Perhaps, (and this may be more so if she is recently divorced) she is feeling that some of the events surrounding the divorce have deeply impacted her and are currently influencing her behavior and the lens through which she sees the world?

    This is just my personal view, but experience tells me that denial of major events in a persons life can sometimes really hurt.

    She may feel that a helpful acknowledement of her current reality and emotions would be translated by her friends into differential treatment.

    Just speculating with limited knowledge of the details.


    By Blogger real and raw, at 2:41 AM  

  • "other people's problems are more interesting than my own"

    Isn't voyeurism fun??

    I think it's only natural that since everyone treats her sympathetically that she has begun to expect that from everyone, particularly people who have lived with her through her ordeal. Give her a hug, a shoulder or at least a tissue...

    By Blogger Nemo, at 5:40 AM  

  • I sense an aura of entitlement and perhaps some insight into her failed relationship.

    By Blogger smoo, at 9:59 AM  

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