Complicating my life further...

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Am I the habit you're too tired to break?

As I grow older, I find myself drawing away from once fameliar things. I seem to be headed into unchartered territory.

I was reading someone else's blog where she was saying how she has not EVER been on a date. I could ALMOST understand.

I am 21 and have been on 2 dates in my life. 98 percent of my friends are married. They all call me to gush about how amazing married life is and how I should get married. So I always tell them I will as soon as it fits into my schedule. It's not like i'm desperate. I'm not, not at all, in fact that is part of the problem. At 21 we are suppossed to be desperate, and not being desperate kind of puts us, or rather me at an impasse.

In the past 3 weeks, 2 of my good friends have gotten married. Both in two different cities, so I have been busy. Thank god there were othet unmarried friends there, so I was not subject to all the pity.
Save your pity. One day i'll be just as happy as you. Sure it might take a little longer, but for now i'm ok in my cozy little basement with my own little life.


  • You have courage and that is the best human virtue because all others come from it.
    The problem is you are not exactly what your culture had in mind. Therefore, seek out the dissidents, and find true love and happiness.

    By Blogger AC, at 6:57 PM  

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